Saturday, January 7, 2017

Studying in 2017

So this year, one thing I have chosen to do is to spend more time in the bible and more time studying God's Word.

I once read that how can you be completely obedient if you don't know what you're obeying. I know the bible yet there's always more to learn about God. I want to be so transparent in my relationship with God that I share my heart with Him before I share with any human.

So I am taking the liberty to utilize a couple books in my study time. Inductive Bible Study by Richard Alan Fuhr Jr and Andreas J. Kostenberger and Searching the Scriptures by Charles Swindoll.   Both of these books are phenomenal in aiding in actually studying the Bible but even more than that APPLYING the Word of God. Both of these books approach studying the bible in a similar yet different fashion. And both have drawn me in towards filling myself on the meat of the Word. I realize that so often I've been stuck on the milk of the Word and I want more out of it thus I must take my studying deeper, beyond the surface. Digging into word studies so that I can understand what the original languages intent behind words are. Because something I've learned is that often how we mean a world today in 2017 is not the same as how that word was meant in biblical days.

One thing I've learned from both is to always employ more than one Bible translation when studying. So I've compiled  about 4-5 different translations to use in my study, with two of them being study bibles.

I think that as I learn more about who God is, the more I can know Him and see Him at work each day. Chime in your study habits.

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