Last night I watched the Passion of the Christ. And I cried. I know what we read but to see it visually is something completely different. It gives you a more appreciative look at Christ sacrificing himself for US. Even while they we beating Him, cursing Him, nailing Him to the cross...Jesus was praying for them. He was asking God to forgive them and to have mercy on them because they were ignorant of the truth.
Jesus personified His teaching. He specifically taught us to pray for those who persecute us. And that is what He did.
Jesus gave His life for our sins. He didn't have a simple and nice death. He had one the most painful and gruesome deaths that could be given at that time.
So when you give your life to Christ. Do so remembering all that He endured for us, for our sins, for your sins! Be serious about the commitment you make to Him, because He was serious about the commitment He made to us.
Everyday die daily. Die to your flesh. Jesus paid the price for your sins, for your life. So die to your flesh so that you may glory Him that paid the price for your life.
I feel like I have a whole new lease on life. Just knowing that Jesus loved me that much, to endure so much pain for my life. I am unworthy, yet He deemed me worthy. And I choose to glorify Him with this life that He gave me.
I ask that you join me in glorifying the Lord with our lives. In helping others to see the truth, to recognize it and to give their lives to Christ. So that they may live abundantly in Him as well.
If you want to know the abundance that is in Christ. Look back at Abraham, God gave him a son and took care of him. Look at Joesph, Joesph trusted God and God used him to eventually help his entire family. Look at Moses, someone who was used to lead God's people out of Egypt. There is a mighty abundance is Christ. And its available to those who believe & follow Christ.
BELIEVE & FOLLOW. These two go hand in hand. Christ's disciples were told 'follow me' and they believed in Him as well.
Matthew 16:24
Jesus said to His disciples, if anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. (NIV)
No matter what version you read, you will read follow me.
John 14:1
Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God, believe also in Me.
Believe in Christ and follow Christ.
Your sister in Faith
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